This page serves as a clearinghouse for publications associated with this project. Most of the following link directly to the original publication in PDF format. This page has links to publications generated as a part of this project.


González-Tennant, Edward. 2018. The Rosewood Massacre: An Archaeology and History of Intersectional Violence. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.

Peer-Reviewed Articles & Chapters

González-Tennant, Edward. In Press. The Rosewood Heritage & VR Project: Engaging Difficult Histories with Digital Technologies. In Museum Media(ting): Emerging Technologies and Difficult Heritage, edited by Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert , Antigone Heraclidou, and Alexandra Bounia. Oxford: Berghahn Books.

González-Tennant, Edward. 2016.  Archaeological Walking Simulators. SAA Archaeological Record 15(4):23-28.

González-Tennant, Edward. 2016. Hate Sits in Places: Folk Knowledge and the Power of Place in Rosewood, Florida. In Excavating Memory: Material Culture Approaches to Sites of Remembering and Forgetting, edited by Maria T. Starzmann and John R. Roby, pp.xx-xx. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.

González-Tennant, Edward. 2015. Resurrecting Rosewood: New Heritage as Applied Visual Anthropology. In Participatory Visual and Digital Research in Action, edited by Aline Gubrium, Krista Harper, and Marty Otanez, pp. 163-180. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

González-Tennant, Edward. 2013. New Heritage and Dark Tourism: A Mixed Methods Approach to Social Justice in Rosewood, Florida. Heritage and Society 6(1):62-88.

González-Tennant, Edward. 2012. Intersectional Violence, New Media, and the 1923 Rosewood Pogrom. Fire: The Multimedia Journal of Black Studies 1(2):64-110.

González-Tennant, Edward 2010 Community Centered Praxis in Conflict Archaeology: Creating an Archaeology of Redress with the 1923 Race Riot in Rosewood, Florida. SAA Archaeological Record 10(4):46-49.

González-Tennant, Edward 2010 Virtual Archaeology and Digital Storytelling: A Report from Rosewood, Florida. African Diaspora Archaeology Network Newsletter, September:1-27.

González-Tennant, Edward 2010 Census Data and Property Records: An Alternative Archaeology of Rosewood. Anthropology News 51(5):26.

Davidson, James and Edward González-Tennant 2008 A Potential Archaeology of Rosewood, Florida: The Process of Remembering a Community and a Tragedy. SAA Archaeological Record January 8(1):13-16